Thursday, August 23, 2012


Every person you meet today wants to change their life in some way. But many find it so difficult to do so. Let me encourage you with these words of T.B. Joshua who says, “God never created anyone He cannot change”. Yes, Jesus Christ can change anyone, anywhere at any time. Ask Saul who became Apostle Paul and he will tell you that with God’s help – you can. Ask Peter the fisherman who became a fisher of men and he will tell you that to God’s power nothing is impossible but God does nothing without His Word.
His Word is the instrument, the means, the tool for the Holy Spirit to use to bring His healing, delivering and transformative power to the scene. Letting the Word have right of way in your life is letting Christ have right of way. I mean, giving the Word its place is giving Christ His position of Lordship. What is His rightful place? Matthew 22:37-38 – “... ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.

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