Monday, August 13, 2012


Who after being given bread continues to complain that he is hungry? Few people realise that our attitude after prayer can nullify the prayer itself. If after praying to God in his upper room, Daniel had continued to worry and complain about the threat to his life, would his God have become known as the God that rescues? (Daniel 6:10) When we doubt in times of trial, our God would be the god of doubt.

When we fear in times of difficulty, our god would be the god of fear. Every man’s heart directs him when he is in want or distress to call upon God yet learning to hear God after the prayer is a much greater blessing than what you are praying for. When you pray in the name of Jesus, God will hear you and when you act on His Word, the name of Jesus is honoured.

That prayer should be followed by an attitude of absolute faith and trust that God is working out the answer because when you pray in that name, Jesus takes over, then, it is in His care.

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