On judgement day a Judge from High Court said, "apon looking at you, i have seen that you cant be a thief due to your walking disability.
So, since they have disgraced you and your CV has been distroyed i order you to take this refrigrator to be yours from today.
Let it be your compalsation".
The crippled man thanked the Judge and with joy he jumped down from his hand bicycle.
He crawled and took the refrigrator by the back going home.
After he crawled about ten metres,
the Judge said, "you have successfully shown us that you are indeed a thief.
Now you are jailed for two years imprisonment with hard labour."
Never judge that something cannot be done by certain people because of how they look, behave, smile or do things.
Our faces are closer to God, He knows who is who.
Do the right thing because the LORD is watching you!
Always ask for forgiveness from God whenever you Sin against him.
Respect others...
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